Last: 0.07
Change: 0
Vol: 54,000
Last: 0.049
Change: 0.002
Vol: 175,851

Stock Information & Share Structure

TSX-V: PGLD Stock Price

Updated: 2024-07-26 - 14:22:05  |  Symbol: PGLD
Open: 0.070
Volume: 54000
Last: 0.070
Day Hi: 0.070
Change: 0.00
Day Low: 0.070

OTCQB: PGLDF Stock Price

Updated: 2024-07-26 - 14:56:04  |  Symbol: PGLDF
Open: 0.055
Volume: 175851
Last: 0.049
Day Hi: 0.055
Change: +0.00
Day Low: 0.045

Share Structure

as of June 30, 2024
Shares Issued and Outstanding 118,353,782
Stock Options Outstanding 7,210,833
Warrants Outstanding 46,880,705
Debentures Outstanding 23,785,714
Fully Diluted 196,231,034

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